Tuesday, February 26, 2013


On Friday, February 8, 2013, a blizzard started in New York.  My son, daughter and dog had an awesome time watching the snow come down.  They tried so hard to stay awake all night to watch the snow fall, but they finally fell asleep around 10PM.  The next morning they woke up in a hurry to run downstairs and see what happened while they were asleep.  Their eyes glistened as they saw the fluffy white snow stared back at them through the window.  I told them that they were not allowed to go in the snow unless they ate breakfast.  So they sat down and waited patiently until I put their breakfast down in front of them on the kitchen table.  Within a few minutes, their plates were empty and they were both standing in front of me with their hands folded, batting their eyelashes.  At that point, I did not have a choice.  So I got their gloves, snow pants, hats, boots and snow jackets out and put it all on them.  While I helped the kids put their gear on, my husband got his snow gear on and they all went outside.  They were so excited to be outside in the cold white snow with their father!  They made snowballs to have a snowball fight, they made a giant snowman and got pulled on a sled!  When they came in, they were soaken wet, with their little red button noses and their adorable eyes shining back at me.  They were so happy to have been outside playing in the glistening white snow!     


1) blizzard (noun)- a storm with alot of snow and wind
2) glistened (verb)- to shine or sparkle in light
3) breakfast (noun)- first meal of the day
4) eyelashes (noun)- short hairs on your eyelids
5) batting (transitive verb)- to wink your eyes really fast
6) sled (noun)- a piece of material (or wood) that is used to ride on snow
7) soaken (noun)- to be overwet with a liquid
8) adorable (adjective)- very cute and loveable

Vocabulary Exercise:
Directions- Complete the sentence with the correct vocabulary word choice

1) The boy enjoys riding on the ___________________.
     a. breakfast   b. blizzard   c. sled   d. adorable

2) After the ___________, there was a lot of snow on the ground.
    a. soaken   b. batting   c. glistened   d. blizzard

3) The kids are ______________ wet after they came in from playing in the snow.
    a. soaken   b. sled   c. blizzard   d. eyelashes

4) My dog looks ___________ playing in the snow.
    a. glistened   b. adorable   c. batting    d. sled

5) The snow ___________ in the sun.
    a. blizzard   b. adorable   c. glistened   d. soaken

6) The children were not allowed to play in the snow until they ate _____________.
   a. eyelashes   b.  breakfast   c.  batting   d. sled

7) After the children ate, they were ___________ their eyelashes to encourage me to get them dressed.
    a. blizzard   b. batting    c. glistened   d. adorable

8) Their _____________ are so long as I watched them blink at me so quickly.
    a. sled   b. eyelashes  c. soaken  d. breakfast

Grammar Point:

Adjectives: an adjective is a word that describes a noun.

An adjective can tell what kind.


A) I own a young horse.

B) He has a black tail.

Directions: Draw a line under each adjective.  Draw a circle around each noun that it describes.

1) There was a lot of white snow on the ground.

2) The children put their snow jackets on.

3) Lizzie's wore a red jacket.

4) Peter wore a black jacket.

5) My dog, Roxy, has black fur.

6) The children made a large snowman.

7) They also made small snowballs.

8) When they were finished they came in and drank warm hot chocolate.

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