Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Elizabeth during Christmas

Back in December, I told my daughter Lizzie, who was 3 years old at the time, that Christmas was coming and that meant Santa Claus was going to come to our house.  She immediately knew that meant presents under our huge Christmas tree.  I told her that she needed to be good or there would be no presents under the tree for her.  She told me that she would do everything she could to be a "good girl."  Honestly, she did.  She was able to learn to share toys with her brother, she learned how to throw away what she didn't want to eat for dinner and most of all she used her manners as much as she could.  She really did a good job!

Finally, Christmas Day morning came and here came Lizzie... at 6:00 AM running into my room shouting, "IT'S CHRISTMAS, SANTA CAME, PRESENTS, MOMMY WAKE UP!!!!!"  So we all shuffled downstairs! She stared at all of presents that were so beautifully wrapped.  Within three minutes; there was wrapping paper all over the place, but it didn't matter.   It was such a "treat" to watch her open up her gifts and to see the look on her face when she saw what she got from Santa. 

Lizzie was so excited to get her Dora the Explorer dolls and Princess dolls.  She began to play with them as soon as she could.  She asked her father to open up the packages right away.  Lizzie started to undress them, redress them, play with their hair and then have them talk to each other.  I have never seen her so happy!  I can honestly say that Christmas was my most favorite memory with Lizzie so far!


1) daughter (noun)- a girl child.                                                   
2) immediately (adverb)- right now
3) honestly (adverb)- to be honest or true
4) share (verb)- divide or give out
5) manners (plural noun)- good behavior
6) shuffled (verb)- to move quickly
7) packages (noun)- a thing or a group of things that are wrapped
8) favorite (adjective)- liked over all
9) memory (noun)- able to remember things

Vocabulary Exercise:
Directions- Fit the vocabulary words into the story below.

  Once morning, my ___________ Taylor woke up and started to scream.  I quickly _________ up to her room and _____________ asked her what was wrong.  She said that she had a bad dream.  I ______________ thought that my heart was going to pound out of my chest.  I began to tell her a story about my _____________ ____________m of Christmas to try to get her mind off of her dream.  I told her about all of the ____________ that would be underneath the tree waiting for me to open.  I also told her about the milk and cookies that Santa would get and he would probably have to __________ them with the elves.  She then reminded me that Santa has good _____________ and that he would definitely divide his cookies among his elves.  She began to smile, so we decided to get out of bed and start to make breakfast!

Grammar Point:
The Verb BE- They do not name actions.  This verb tells what someone or something is or is like.
Examples: am, are, is, was and were

These verbs must agree with the subject of the sentence.
Examples: This letter is for me.
                The letters are for me.

Directions: A) Find two different verbs of be in the passage and underline them.
B) Read each sentence below.  If there is an action verb, circle it.  If it is a form of the verb BE, underline it.

1) This letter is from Lizzie.

2) She lives in Levittown, New York

3) Lizzie is three.

4) She goes to a small school in Wantagh.

5) She rides to school in the car.

6) Wantagh is a very cold city.

7) There is a lot of snow on the ground.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely recount of your Christmas and your sweet daughter! Good grammar point and visuals!
