Friday, April 19, 2013

Journal Entry

 (I am going to use this blog as a journal to write down some thoughts about the unfortunate events in Boston on April 15, 2013.)

 Dear Journal,
        I was very upset to hear about the events that occurred at the Boston Marathon.  I heard the news over the radio as I was bringing my two children home from the doctor's office; I almost couldn't believe my ears.  The newscaster repeated, on the radio, herself in saying, "There have been two explosions during the Boston Marathon."  I  honestly wasn't sure if it was a joke or for real.
        I am not sure why people think that they are above anyone else and think that taking other people's lives is solving a problem. It is creating more problems and issues for themselves as well as the world.  I honestly believe those people need to hurt to feel accomplishment are seriously ignorant.  They are selfish and self-centered.  I truly can not comprehend the need for violence.
       Although I am truly sorry and give my support for the people of Boston for what they have been through and what they are going through; I am truly sorry for the children and adolescents of America.  I say this because there is more violence occurring on our soil now than ever before.  Within this school year, these children have had to deal with the Sandy Hook elementary massacre and now the bombings in Boston.  First of all, these children are trying to become themselves and trying to figure themselves out and then these violent acts happen.  Second, how do parents, educators, and any adult related to a child deal with these acts and then try to explain it to a child (ren) so they can try to comprehend and understand.  It is outrageous what we are asking the youth of America to deal with.
       In my honest opinion, I think it is ridiculous that violence is happening anywhere in the world because I am a believer that there are other ways in solving conflict.  Also, it is a developmentally hard topic to discuss with the adolescents and children of America that you have to be safe and you can not play freely where you would like.  I can remember being a child and not having a fear about violence and feeling safe no matter where I was; now I have to instill in my children that they need to stay safe and stay next to me!

     Rest In Peace to all of those that were killed during the Boston Marathon.  I hope that all of those that were injured get well soon and get back to their normal way of life.


1) unfortunate (adjective)- having bad fortune or not lucky
2) newscaster (noun)- someone who delivers news to people through radio or television
3) explosions (noun)- a violent burst as a result of pressure
4) accomplishment (noun)- something that was completed
5) seriously (adverb)- great in quality (value) and manner
6) selfish (adjective)- thinking about yourself over others
7) massacre (noun)- the act of killing a large amount of people

Vocabulary Activity

Directions: Finish the sentence using the vocabulary list from above.

1) The ______________ were very loud.

2) Her biggest _______________ was finishing the marathon.

3) Due to the ____________ events last Monday, three people lost their lives.

4) While I was listening to the radio, the ____________ reported that many people suffered injuries.

5) I was __________ upset when I heard the news about the Boston Marathon.

6) The SandyHook Elementary School ___________ and the Boston Marathon Explosions will forever be remembered.

7) It is thought that the people that commit this horrible acts are extremely ____________.


Suffix: it is a word part added to the end of a base word.  The suffix changes the meaning of the base word that it is added to.

The suffix ER or OR means who:  WORKER           ACTOR

The suffix LESS means without:   CLOUDLESS       FEARLESS

The suffix ABLE or IBLE means can be:   REACHABLE    CONNECTIBLE

The suffix LY means how:  SLOWLY       SERIOUSLY

The suffix FUL means full of:  WONDERFUL   BEAUTIFUL

Grammer Activity:

Directions:  Underline each word with a suffix.  Write the suffix and then write the meaning of the word.

Example:  The police keep a watchful eye over the community.
                suffix: -ful
                meaning: full of watch (look)

1) The road is not passable.

2) I honestly believe that violence is not an answer.

3) My family and I are truly sorry for those that lost their lives.

4) I am a firm believer that there are other ways to resolve conflict.

5) My husband seriously believes that the explosions were part of a terrorist attack.

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